Here it goes. Trying to take a photo and post it every day for a year straight. I've heard a lot of people say it really changes how they look at things around them, so we'll give it a try.
I'm running a day behind on the posts, because sometimes I post a photo the same day, and other times, I'll shoot something during the day, but don't get a chance to post it. Anyhow, this is from yesterday.
The thing I found interesting about this shot was the lighting and the background. It's a close-up of a mini speaker for my iPod, and looks like it's all by itself on a black background. In reality, it's in the dash of our van with a bunch of other junk, it just happens to be hit by direct sunlight, while the background was in the shadows, so it got completely blacked out.
Here's a close-up of some thick frost on my car from this morning, and it was cold, again. About 10 degrees when we got up. It's supposed to warm up this week, though.
We got a few fresh inches of snow last night, so we went sleigh riding again at our friend's house. Reece (foreground) wasn't much for going down the hills, but enjoyed playing with his friend, Ty.
Another swim meet at the Beaumont Centre YMCA in Lexington. We didn't get back until after midnight after having to drive home in the snow, so I didn't get a chance to post this until today.
Here it goes ... thought I'd start off with my 7-year-old daughter's Valentine's Day gift to me. It's an antenna topper, but I like to put it on my desk. We all love The Simpsons, and sitting down to watch it is one of our favorite family activities.